Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

1st Semester


Programming Principle & Algorithm

Computer Fundamental and Office Automation

Principle of Management

Business Communication

Environmental Studies

Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of Computer Fundamental and Office Automation

Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of Programming Principle & Algorithm

2nd Semester



Organization Behavior

Digital Electronics and Computer Organisation

Financial Accounting and Management

Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of C

3rd Semester

Object Oriented Programming Using C++

Data Structure Using C & C++

Computer Architecture & Assembly Language

Business Economics

Elements of Statistics

Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of OOPS

Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of DS


4th  Semester

Computer Graphics & Multimedia Application

Operating System

Software Engineering

Optimization Techniques

Practical Based on Subject Code -401.


5th Semester

Introduction to DBMS

Java Programming and Dynamic Webpage Design

Computer Network

Numerical Methods

Minor Project

Viva-Voice on Summer Training

Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of DBMS

Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of Java Programming & Dynamic Webpage Design

6th Semester

Computer Network Security

Information System: Analysis Design & Implementation


Knowledge Management

Major Project

Presentation/Seminar based on Major Project